May 4, 2023
Spring News
Spring is here, and for harpers this means that wedding season is just around the corner. I’ve been enjoying the slower pace of these winter months but am aware it's only a matter of time before my notes need dusting off.
This week I was back in Clandeboye Estate (https://www.clandeboyelodge.com/weddings)which happens to be one of my favourite wedding venues to play at. Theres something earthy and quaint about it, and it’s decorated nicely. I played for my bride Laura and it was a joy to watch her get married.
I also played last month at The Wooltower https://wooltower.com/weddings/and I love the new wedding planner here. The drinks reception area has been extended and its divine. I was at Ballyfgalley https://www.ballygallycastlehotel.com/weddings/ and its such a nice venue close to home, its just got a freezing ceremony room!
I’m hoping to compose some new pieces which I have titles already for. My students continue to grow and I love watching them lean into their creativity and talents, especially my harp students, who have now taken wings of their own and have started to teach themselves melodies.
This weeks rehearsal includes Wild Swans by Foy Vance https://www.foyvance.com for my bride Kirsty. I also ned to dust off the Love Actually Theme piece which I learnt by ear but I really need the notes for cause there are so many versions running around out there.
This week I will also play in St. Theresas in Belfast and St.Bernards in Glengormely. I have a rare weekend off which I wholly intend to do very little with.
I also performed at an elopement this month for my bride Brittney - She walked up to Lana del Rey, https://www.lanadelrey.com‘Young and Beautiful.’
Some of my friends have exciting projects coming up, including my friend the flutist Brendan Mulholland https://www.brendanmulholland.com whose new band Tempest is eagerly awaited by myself and the Irish Music community in general. I hope to share his material soon.
I did a wedding cover of one of my fav hymns, 'Make me a Channel of your Peace' by Sinead O Connor. It's on my social media channels for anyone who fancies 3 minuets of tranquility. https://www.sineadoconnor.com
On the contemporary side of things, I think everyone on the island is rejoicing that Hozier https://hozier.com has released a new EP. Alleluia.
Looking forward to taking some exams myself in the summer and it's certainly stranger to go back to being a student.
I look forward to sharing material with you all soon on here,
Amy xx